LCAR committees are instrumental in shaping the direction of the association.
Consider Joining a Committee!
The Lancaster County Association of REALTORS® encourages its members to get the most out of their membership by serving on one of LCAR’s many committees. Joining a committee is yet another way to strengthen your ties with fellow members and to advance the Association’s core programs initiative. Thanks to our committee volunteers, LCAR continues to grow and further adapt our membership needs.
If you have question or would like to join a committee, please contact Executive Director Mike Berk at or call the LCAR Office at 717-569-4625.
The responsibilities of the Budget/Finance Committee are to review staff and Committee recommendations and to develop an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors. The Committee also receives and considers proposals for policies affecting the financial condition of the Association, receive and review reports on the financial condition of the Association and reviews functions, procedures and expenditures which affect the organization's income and expenses.
The Events Committee is responsible for planning and promoting all association events including member mixers, the Member Appreciation Picnic, and the Annual Golf Outing.
NEW STARTING 2025- Beginning in 2025, the Events Committee will also oversee all fundraising activities in support of Tenfold's Transitional Living Center (TLC). Members who previously served on LCAR's Community Partnership Committee are encouraged to continue their service on LCAR's Events Committee. n of REALTORS® and its official interpretations: 2) The eight-point membership criteria for REALTORS®: and 3) The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of REALTORS®
The Education Committee focuses on the operations of the LCAR Real Estate School. This includes providing feedback on course offerings (credit/non-credit; identifying new instructors and providing tools to assist school instructors; consider potential new revenue streams and provide recommendations related to delivery of classes (in-person & virtual). The Committee also promotes and awards the quarterly Michael Mastros Scholarship.
The Government Affairs Committee promotes awareness of legislative issues, maintains contact with legislative and government agencies, develops and guides the Association's legislative and regulatory education activities, formulates, and recommends policies, programs and positions in response to issues which affect the Real Estate Industry or the Association, and coordinates, with other associations, responses to legislative or regulatory matters of common interest.
The Committee is also responsible for conducting candidate screenings and making recommendations to LCAR-PAC for candidate funding and endorsement.
The Member Engagement Committee assists in crafting the social media and interactive elements of LCAR by gathering photos, covering Association events, sharing videos, conducting interviews, providing input on the LCAR podcast, and writing/reviewing articles for the LCAR blog. The Committee will also suggest and provide feedback on potential member services and programs.
The purpose of a State Director is to adequately and knowledgeably represent the viewpoint of the Lancaster County Association of REALTORS® at meetings of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS®, to defend and support, within the framework of the three-way agreement, the position of the Lancaster County Association of REALTORS® when State or National Association policies are being formulated, to become thoroughly informed on State Association policies and to report to the Board of Directors of the Lancaster County Association any policy changes adopted at the state level.
The Grievance Committee is responsible for reviewing ethics complaints and requests for arbitration and determines whether a hearing is warranted. The Grievance Committee is only involved in this preliminary step - it does not conduct hearings. It serves as a "grand jury". All aspects of operation of the Grievance Committee are governed by the policies and procedures contained in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of the National Association of REALTORS®.
The Professional Standards Committee is responsible for the enforcement of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Realtors® by conducting Ethics Hearings and Arbitration Hearings. All aspects of the operation of the Professional Standards Committee are governed by the policies and procedures as stated in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manuel of the National Association of Realtors®.
Since its inception in 1917, the Lancaster County Association of Realtors (LCAR) has been deeply involved in providing buyers and sellers with knowledgeable, ethical and competent agents.
All Rights Reserved | Lancaster County Association of Realtors®